If your placenta is anterior, it will be harder to feel certain movements. If my daughter lays a certain way I can’t feel her move at all. I had Braxton hicks a lot with my son. And they were very painful. The ones with my daughter aren’t painful but I know when I have them because I can not breathe from the tightening. You know your body best and you know your baby best. If you concerned you can request a non stress test or request to be monitored.
@Mary they can be painful. You can tell the difference between a Braxton hick and an actual contraction. Everyone is different and experiences them differently. My Braxton hicks with my son were extremely painful. I couldn’t walk through them like you should be able to. But my contractions with my son, I walked the halls in the hospital up until they were a minute a part. If I was upright, they didn’t hurt at all but if I was laying down they hurt
What does a braxton hick feel like? Its not painful like contractions?