I wipe tummy and legs with cold wipe before opening Then I pop cotton wool pad (same type of ones I use to remove makeup) on top and I hold the top of the right thigh with my left hand so my wrist keeps cotton pad down and I can use the left hand to turn him to the side while I wipe mess and pop new nappy under and do any cream with my right hand, last thing I do before closing new one up is let go with my left hand and take the cotton wool pad off… if that makes any sense at all? It seems to work well esp at night when visibility is worse.
The cold wipe like above can help. I preferred a wipe warmer and as soon as I open the diaper throw a toasty wipe over their penis. The warmth stops most peeing and if they do it at least keeps it from being a fountain lol they also make "peepee teepees" that are little cones you pop over their penis while changing them
I never found anything helped tbh but he did grow out of it after a couple of months
you don’t make it until you get poo’d on🤣 wipe trick from above or use a wipe with one hand to hold it down for a bit and wipe with another hand! it doesn’t last too long, in fairness!
Lmfao put the open clean diaper under their butt before you open the other one so as soon as you pull the dirty one out you can close up the clean one while you grab wipes and stuff.
This is my system and have adjusted it again a few months ago. I always have to have the diaper and ointment ready in advance. Now I apply 3 diapers in advance with ointment already on them, and redo this after using the last one. You got wile thoroughly and quickly and quickly put the new diaper on the baby. It gets better after some time though unless you take forever to out a diaper on them lol
Embrace the pee 😂
The cold wet wipe stuffed down front of nappy mostly works for us. Also just being really fast getting the fresh one under and over him 🤣🙈 Every time he does it that I see since he was tiny I've said weewees to him, so now he's getting to the stage he knows the word and before I get him out the bath (another time he used to do it because of the cold air on him 🙈) he stands with me holding him in the bath and I tell him weewees a few times and the last 3 times have done that he's done a wee and the bathroom floor/my trousers/socks don't get a shower 😬 I do this as well before I open his old nappy while the wet wipe is down there to try and remind him if he needs to go please do it now 🤣 Sometimes he just thinks it's funny and laughs and kicks his legs loads but other times I know he's doing one coz I open the nappy and he's either just finishing or there's fresh wet in it. Worth a go?!
A cold baby wipe under the belly button, wait a few seconds then check if he's finished peeing. My son used to wee on me all the time until I did the cold trick, the cold would make him pee so I could change him and stay dry 🤣