Diving is a niche one!
My husband works in Cyber Security
Cybersecurity/ Engineering
You can establish a successful career at any time. It’s a society standard to go to school, go to college, get a career immediately after, get married, then have children. There’s many other ways to do life even at 30 years old. The world is a much different place now than it was many years ago.
My husband is a nurse. I wouldn’t be too hard on him for not having an established career at 30. I’m 32 and still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up!
My husband is an RN and it is the most physically and mentally draining job
NDT testing
My husband is a driver trainer. He trains councils on how to drive and care for the road sweepers/gritters, etc, they buy from the company he works for. He's had 4 different jobs since we met 7 years ago, but all drivers are related. 30 is still so young, though, and I think the pressure to have a career, pick one company to work for, and sticks to it is very "older generation" Companies don't look after staff the way they used to and staff now demand more than just a paycheck, you spend so much of your time working you may as well work for as much money you can get so if that means regularly changing jobs then so be it.
Software sales
He’s a CTO
Fire fighter❤️
Land surveyor for pipelines
My husband full time job is integrated solutions for a John Deere dealer. He does the Connor/gps stuff in tractors and farming equipment. Part time we works on the farm I'm full time on
Hospital management
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
manager at a commercial bakery
Quantity surveyor. My partner works with lots of construction management who didn’t go into it until later in their career. Lots of those started as labourers/tradesmen
Photojournalist for the news 🎥
My husband didn't establish himself in a particular career until last year when he was 56! He's now a construction tutor after lots of other jobs.
These options 😂 We both work in tech.
My husband is a welder.
Massage Therapist
Works in procurement
Nebraska Game and Parks and Xerox
Operator for a big San Diego Electric company. 🙌 busting ass every single day. Right now he’s working nights and I can’t imagine doing hard labor graveyard but it has to get done when streets are empty and people are sleeping 💤
Fire fighter
my husband is also a jack of all trades. what are his hobbies ?? my husband basically worked in everything he enjoys lol. modeling, preschool teacher, child therapist, child psychologist, photography, film, and his next side quests are tattoo artist, life coach, and fitness coach/trainer lol