We were on 3/4 bottles a day (including a night bottle) and 1.5 months later we're just on the bedtime one (we did drop it but then he got sick so now it's back). I read stuff online and what worked for us was making the bottle more and more dilute. So instead of 1 scoop 1oz, we did like 4 scoops 6oz. After we were down to less than half and half we started to reduce the volume, so now his only bottle is 4oz 1 scoop. At the same time we introduced a 360 cup at meal times and before bed to help fill him up. We dropped a scoop probably every 5/6 days I think. Hope this helps! I think some babies can just drop it but we tried cold turkey initially and it was absolutely not happening!
Oh and we never put the cows milk in the bottle! We didn't want him thinking he could get cows milk in the bottle, we wanted him to work out that the milk in the cup was creamier and nicer
I think you have to steel yourself for a difficult couple of days. But I think you’d be surprised at how quickly he starts taking milk from a cup once he realises that’s really the only offer!