
Moms who have or just had a baby boy, did you choose to circumcise or not? Why or why not? If yes, how was it including healing process for baby. Any advice welcome. I have no idea what I’m deciding yet but I’m 35 weeks and my partner is not circumcised and does not want to cut our son but I feel I see both sides and need to come to a decision soon
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Following! My husband wants to circumcise our baby boy. He himself is and thinks we should do the same to him. I’m just wondering what the healing process will be like 🥹 I’m 37 weeks 😫

I left the decision to my husband. I’ve heard arguments either way. Some say leaving them uncut is better for sensation later when they’re older and that the procedure is unnecessary. Others say they prefer being circumcised because it’s easier hygiene wise & they feel more confident. It is very much a person to person preference. However since I don’t have that body part, I let my husband choose and he wants to circumcise our son. He says he’s glad he got it done

We will not be circumcising our son even though my husband is. The health benefits are very small and there are risks to it. We figure if he wants to be circumcised, he can make that choice himself when he's older. It's a bodily autonomy decision that I'd rather leave to to him.

We chose not to. The biggest reason being that it truly is a cosmetic surgery and the biggest reason they push it is for hygiene reasons. Which my husband and I did not agree with because regardless of whether or not your circumcised your hygiene would depend on your own habits and routine. A surgery can’t magically make you more hygienic. My husband also has friends who’s uncircumcised and they’ve had no issues. They felt insecure as a teenager but as the years passed that changed. Also. If you do decided opt out of circumcision. Your son can always change his mind about it afterwards. But you can’t reverse it. We also did not think it was best to not only learn how to take care of his scar, on top of breastfeeding, waking up every 2-3 hours, learning as new parents and settling into our new role and routine.

I decided not to as a single mom for all the reasons I see others have already commented and said! But also I found a Reddit r/CircumcisionGrief and was looking at what they say about it having been done it too

We didn't circumcise our first and will not be doing it for our second either. Like others said, they can choose to do so in the future if they want. Most other countries do not even offer it.

I have 4 boys counting my newborn and we only circumcised our oldest. It was traumatic didn’t go well and ended up needing to be corrected. I then did a ton of research with our next boy and opted to not. He can get it done as a cosmetic procedure with a plastic surgeon if he wants. Hubby and I will even help pay for it. Hubby is circumcised and wishes it had been more normal to not in our generation and I regret putting my oldest who was a premie through what happened. We won’t be cutting our newborn and again if he wants it when older it can still be done.. but you can’t glue it back on once it’s off.

So when we fostered two little boys the toddler had been circumcised as a baby and the baby wasn’t. He was taken from the hospital at three days old by an aunt before we got placement of him. Once he turned a year he had to be circumcised due to something called hypospadias which needed to be corrected but as a newborn was too small to correct it the right way. Before hand we made sure to clean it properly and it wasn’t terribly hard to do. Once he had the circumcision we had to keep it clean (but no bath tub tubby time, just wash clothe) and use Vaseline for a few days after to keep the skin hydrated to heal quicker and more efficiently. Were having a girl so I don’t have much of an opinion but if we had a son I think it would really depend on a few factors and talk with the pediatrician we chose and weigh out the benefits and cons to it to make an informed decision

38 weeks and still have no idea which we’re doing. Bf is not and neither is his son from previous relationship but he says he doesn’t really care. That’s no help to me because I don’t have that body part so I need his help and plus I don’t want baby to question when he gets older why he’s the only one who is.

Thank you all for your advice and input, it is appreciated ❤️

We did it for our son.. but now kind of regret it.. I just hate that he was exposed to pain on his second day of life .. when I changed his diapers the few days after he would cry and I think it was a reaction to the pain he had experienced.. idk if it’s really worth it. Boys in other countries don’t do it

We won't be doing it if we have a boy. We don't see a point in it and see it as unecessary mutilation.

Will not be circumcising. My husband is and regrets his mother chose to do it for religious reasons. In our opinion we believe it's incredibly unnecessary.

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