Childcare and other questions

We will be moving to Raleigh early next year and I’m starting to do research into childcare. We currently use a family friend who charges $240/week for both kids and we know we will never find anything like this ever again 🥲 We have two year old twin toddlers. We have been looking at KinderCare since my husband’s employer partners with them and gives a 10% discount. What is the average price you are paying if you are a KinderCare parent, or are there cheaper options in the area that would be cheaper than KC with the 10%? I also want to ask about early intervention. One of my twins has a speech delay and we are working with our current county in Virginia to get him help. We know that in VA he is eligible to switch to their school district provided program in Sept once he turns 3 and ages out of the county program. NC is confusing because it says he would have to be 3 by Aug 31 to be eligible for the school program but he would age out of the state program at 3. But he turns 3 after Aug 31, so where would he go during the time between him turning 3 and being eligible for the school program in 2026? Hopefully this makes more sense: He turns 3 Sept 2025 NC school program says he has to be 3 by Aug 31 NC state program says he is eligible until age 3 There is a gap between his 3 birthday and when he is eligible for the school program
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How many days & hours were you looking for?

For daycare, you can expect $320-$380 per week depending on the location. Not all kindercares are the same price in Raleigh, and some have a lot of complaints about them. There are several other options for daycare as well. There are also Facebook groups for alternative options like “Affordable Care from SAHMs” And “Wake/Raleigh area babysitters & Nannies.”

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