@Fatima ok thanks that's really helpful! All the different advice feels quite overwhelming
@Hattie it feels overwhelming to start with but once you get into the swing of things it's like second nature. I found getting a silicone (BPA free) ice cube tray and freezing the helpful. That saved time. When we moved to baby led I gave my eldest the same food we ate just altered slightly like I'd take his bit out before adding salt. I would then modify his a bit more like turning it into patties and popping in the oven so he can pick it up and eat.
This is really odd advice when it comes to weight gain as milk has more calories. Really they should be looking at how to get her to take more milk. Were you breastfeeding? Are you still interested in breastfeeding? It might be that a breastfeeding counsellor or lactation consultant can actually help you out.
@Charlotte trust me I've been round the houses with lactation consultants and feeding team, I've spent so much money, moving to formula has been really heartbreaking but no one can say why she's not gaining weight. I don't think I can deal with another conflicting opinion from someone on the internet right now, everyone says something different, I've tried everything and my little girl keeps dropping centiles, I've even given up breastfeeding and it's broken my heart, it's too late to go back to it and it hasn't even helped. I feel completely defeated and if a doctor says solids will help I'll try that because I've tried everything else.
I am going to start with bitter veg purées as then hopefully there won’t be a sweet preference!)
I have bought a steamer as it apparently keeps more nutrients than boiling
@Hattie don't get discouraged, you're doing everything right by your girl. I hope she starts putting on weight. Have they told you to carry on with formula aswell because food is something that needs to be established
@Fatima yes of course and we're gonna try and get her to drink bigger bottles but it's tough often she won't have more than 3-4oz
Lots of people do start weaning at 4 months so if she is 5 months should be fine. As long as they still have their milk too. Just think of it as an acre’s opportunity to get calories into her. I did purées to start with my first baby and will be doing with my 4 month old when he starts. But my sister didn’t with her little girl, she never did purees just hand held/finger food right from the start. So there are options, however, seeing as tho your main goal is to gain weight I would completely stick to purees as baby will be able ingest more and also then her body will be able to absorb more. My sisters baby looked like she ate stuff but was just smeared all over her face and plate etc and they say it’s to get used to textures/tastes. I remember my first baby when he did start having finger food, everything was going through him and coming out in his poo in lumps like bits of broccoli etc so his body wasn’t absorbing it even tho he was ingesting it. Hope that helps xx
Keep going tho Mummy and keep trying new health care professionals etc and asking for advice everywhere as you may just not have found the right health care specialist that’s right for you and your baby with the right information you want/need. My one question is, what’s bothering your baby if she isn’t interested in milk??? Is there something bothering her that someone has missed?? Tongue tie, pain with something?! Allergies?! I don’t know but there must be a reason. Hopefully someone can help you tho 🤞🏻 good luck and if you do need to chat more happy to private message about it xx
If helpful to know, if you sign up to the Ella’s kitchen website they recommend particular veggies to start on at 4months, 5months and 6months. Good luck! X
@Hattie I'm really sorry you're going through all that and I'm sorry if my comment upset you. I am a breastfeeding counselor and help people regularly whose little ones aren't gaining weight well so I'm also really sorry to hear you've not had success with your breastfeeding support. As you are weaning to help with weight gain it can help to concentrate on healthy high fat foods like cheese, avocado, peanut butter etc. Try to also include as much milk as you can, such as in porridge, cereals, yogurts, pancakes, potatoes etc. I hope the weaning helps baby increase her centiles.
Hi Hattie, my first baby (now a toddler) did similar to yours - dropped to 0.9th centile around 3/4 months as he just wasn't that interested in milk. We were advised to start solids at 5 months and did so successfully. We started with finger sized single veg for the first month (sweet potato, broccoli, parsnip I remember being his faves!) no purees. Then moved onto fruit and blending flavours etc once he was 6 months. And then broadened to other food groups around 7 months. Solid starts on Instagram is really helpful if you haven't discovered it already. But it really depends if youre wanting to go down the BLW root or more traditional weaning (purees etc). Xx
Has your paediatrician referred you to a dietitian yet? If not, they should do as they will definitely be able to advise if a high energy milk is suitable - they can be used from birth! They will also be able to support you through a high energy weaning diet
You have to start with purees initially to see whether they can manage the heavier food and as they arent used to solids the choking hazzard is stronger. That's also the reason you start with single veggies before mixing two. Once you know their gut can tolerate it (which happens due to exposure) you can start introducing different textures and move to a more BLW approach. FYI be prepared for stinkier poops 🤣