@Adrianna she won’t take the dummies i have for her
Maybe try a different paci my baby used to do that when she was a newborn and her pediatrician said after a while of nursing she’s not doing it to eat anymore she basically just needs something to suck on for soothing. It took quite a few tries to finally find her a paci that she uses to sleep
Is this a regular thing? Reminds me of my baby when he was cluster feeding
@Mariah been happening for 2 night now, but she’s not stopping
Is she actually drinking or just comforting herself? Either way this is totally normal for newborns. But it’s very hard. Sleep when you can, stay hydrated and eat. Also baby wear with a sling or wrap. The first few weeks are very difficult but you got this.
@Rebecca she’s been fine up til now! she’ll drink at the start and now she seems to just be sucking and falling asleep on the boob
Mine would do this too. I think it’s normal. Nursing is so comforting to them.
how old is your baby? sounds like cluster feeding to me x
Cluster feeding is normal my bottle baby will do it, but if your concerned call the pediatrician
@Abi sounds like baby is pacifying herself at the boob. You may want to try different pacifiers, or take her off the boob when she is asleep
Cluster feeding is important to boost your supply and, at 3 weeks, you’re either about to have a huge supply increase or just did. Cluster feeding is one of the more difficult aspects of breastfeeding in the newborn stages. My baby used to be latched on and off of me for 5hrs in the evening. It doesn’t last forever, but it does happen regularly in the first 3 months.
@Hannah 3 weeks
@Jenny gave her dummy n she wasn’t having it at all she was acting starving
@Kassia she’s drained my boobs if there was any increase supply 😅she’ll feed and either fall asleep on it or pull herself off but then minutes/seconds later when she realises she’s crying for it again, is that wat cluster feeding is? she literally did it from abt 10pm last till her last feed before she slept for 2 hrs at 2am this morning
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Completely normal for her age but draining for you! I tried about 3 different dummies and ended up with the Nuk ones that are thin/curved up at the end so it may be trialling a few but it's worth doing so you have a break. I also swapped to side lying feeding and found baby would naturally drop off and snooze on the bed, id then just leave her there and take all the bedding away or attempt to pop her in her next to me x
@Abi yup! That is what cluster feeding is! You should expect this to happen very often in the first months of life. My baby usually cluster fed from 5-7pm to 11-1am. When the afternoon was drawing close, I would use the bathroom, get snacks and water, get comfortable and choose a good movie or show and get my breastfeeding pillow and settle in for a few hours. The more your boobs are stimulated, the more your body will push to produce milk. This is why babies cluster feed! :)
@Kassia i have enough she always chokes on it! 😂🤦🏼♀️
@Abi ah yes, now it makes sense! You’re 3 weeks and that’s when you get a ton of milk. That’s why your let down is wild! Don’t worry, it regulates 🤣 Cluster feeding is still important! Your supply won’t be like this for long and you need this for your body to learn how much your baby actually needs. Hahaha
how old is your baby? possibly cluster feeding x
Make sure you’re eating enough! I always got told this when I was feeding constantly because if your not eating properly when your feeding baby it’s essentially “empty calories” which won’t fill baby up Also found when I wasn’t drinking enough it hurt when she was feeding so I always had to make sure I had plenty of water next to me while feeding
@Candise i have enough milk x
@Layla 3 weeks
@Abi I was an over producer milk still comes out it’s just not got enough nutrients in it for the baby to fill them but at 3 weeks it could just be cluster feeding
@Abi i remember a phase with both my boys they just kept nursing. I can't even tell you how many times I switched back and forth between boobs. I thought they were sleep as soon as I unlatched theyre crying for more! It was absolutely brutal even though it doesn't last long it's really, really hard. If you have a freezer stash, utilize it and have dad feed.
Update? Is baby still feeding nonstop?
Do you use pacifiers? My babies typically just want something to suck on to soothe themselves. If you don't use pacifiers she may just be using the boob to soothe herself