@Cara Thank you for commenting! It honestly makes me feel so much better hearing it from someone else. I've been angry before but this is an entirely different mix of feelings altogether and so incredibly intense. I also EBF so completely get how hard it is to not have a break plus my LO is going through a phase of not wanting me out of his sight/needing me all the time/fussiness after being quite independent so it's relentless. I'm planning on throwing myself back into working out as I've let that slide completely - hopefully it will help but I'll have to work out how to entertain him whilst I'm doing it😅
Oh, me 1000% you’re definitely not alone. An actual shitstorm of negative feelings and the rage is horrible! It makes me feel crazy or like a horrible person even though I’m not acting on it and doing my best just to keep it in. I’m EBF as well and my little one refuses a bottle so I’m not getting any time to myself to try and decompress. Feel a little bit like a pressure cooker so I’m trying to find outlets to help process the intensity of the emotion.