Day activities
What is everyone doing for activities during the day with the babies? She has a bouncer type chair with toys she loves and a mat with toys she loves but I have the mat on my sofa instead of the floor, she’s not rolling yet but if I lay her vertical she will move herself diagonal in her sleep and my husband doesn’t think she needs to be on the floor yet he just made the sofa larger by putting the fabric coffee table thingy next to it. Should I have her on the floor doing her play time? I’m just so confused 😕 she’s 12 weeks
All of that sounds great to me ☺️ At this age they’re still just absorbing! There’s not much else until they can start grabbing onto things and moving them around. Holding then and making expressions are great for them rn. Look up ! They send weekly emails with activity ideas! But yeah, it’s all been super super chill so far