Cluster feeding

Anyone else going through another cluster feeding phase? My LO just turned three months and it feels like when he was a newborn, eating, dozing and then literally crawling back to the boob. He’s staying on for longer during the nights too. He’s 91st percentile for weight so I’m not sure if it’s just he needs lots of milk or if it’s a growth spurt (which I know is common about now).
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Mine was the same. Only lasted a week or 2. I put it down to her needing to tell my body to make more milk. As my breasts felt empty all the time and she just kept going back to them. 2 weeks of this and then suddenly felt full again all of the time

Mine did this at 3 months too. About a week of it and then one day went 3 hours between feeds during the day. Apparently it can be due to a growth spurt or development changes x

We had this at 12 weeks. Started feeding every 40 mins to an hr day and night. Things started to settle down again at 16 weeks.

Thanks girls! Good to know it’s hopefully just a growth spurt and will settle down.

@Cara it definitely will! Your body is made for this! You’ll be fine xx

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