I’m so sorry. Your feelings are valid, regardless of what type of problem it is. I totally understand where you coming from. I don’t understand why our prenatal care doesn’t offer more ultrasounds. It’s also unfair that your surrounding private clinics are charging an arm and a leg, and making such service less accessible. 😪 so sorry!
I’m so sorry I typed that while cooking breakfast… I wasn’t trying to make you feel like your feelings are invalid, more of a I wish they did more regular ultrasounds to ease our mama minds. I wish it was standard instead of high risk/issue pregnancies only. Make the harder pregnancies feel less hard and unusual and make the easier pregnancies feel more real and valid. Cuz I know I personally don’t believe it till I feel them moving regularly 😭 like 🤨 are you really in there or am I losing it? Sending love dear!
I mentioned being worried at my last appointment because I have to go three months without seeing her. My nurse was so nice and did a little bedside one for me with her phone! Only for like 3 minutes just so I could know she was still there. Never hurts just to speak up at your next appointment!
@Amanda Omg yeah! I forgot about that since I was trying to wrangle my toddler as well… but my midwife said if she can’t find him quickly, or if I have any doubts she can do a portable ultrasound. How with her phone tho???
if it makes you feel any better I only got 2 ultrasounds with my last pregnancy because the doctor felt like the 3rd one "wasn't needed"🥲 so I went from seeing my baby at 7 weeks, to 20 and then waited until birth. Luckily it all was okay but I do wish more ultrasound were offered throughout or at least every couple appointments
@Bella oh no worries I didn't think you were invalidating my feelings at all! I agree with everything you said! I wish the pregnancy experience with doctors was a bit different!
@Amanda curious about the phone as well! Unfortunately I've brought it up multiple times my anxiety and I just get the heartbeat done each time. That does me make me feel better cause I know he's okay at least! I might see if I can do another one! I wish it wasn't based on if it's needed. Isn't a mother worries enough need?
@Mariana oh geez I would be very annoyed but I'm glad it was all okay! I really wish it was offered more as well! I put in a separate comment that I wish it wasn't needed based off of medical necessity. As someone who struggles with anxiety and overthinking I wish those worries would count as needed! It would definitely give me more peace of mind.
Just wanted to make sure! My partner says I can come off harsh or non-empathetic… I’m working on it but I cannot tell 😭 to me, I’m just being me. I will add like Mariana said every OB I have gone to said they do 2 ultrasounds the dating between 7-13 weeks and the anatomy at 20… it suckksss but I understand that too many can be problematic and it’s really only “worth the risk” if there’s a risk already involved. My OB this time around explained that while doing ultrasounds are not necessarily bad, it’s a lot focused on one tiny little thing.. and listening to the heartbeat through the ultrasound is worse. I had never heard that but I mean it makes sense, still… I feel like if I where to say something isn’t right… they should listen to me because a Doppler can’t tell if baby is in distress, but in the same breath if they are prior to like 24 weeks they can’t do much anyway. Still sucks 😭❤️
It's frustrating to me too. This is my 4th pregnancy. With my other 3, I was used to having more ultrasounds. This pregnancy it looks like I might have to wait until 20 weeks to find out the gender which kind of puts a financial struggle on my family because I haven't bought one single baby item yet
@Allison Monique can’t you find out by blood test earlier
Honestly, I feel you. My first I paid the $200 to see him. I scrounged and saved and did it just the once. It was well we’ll worth it. I moved and got 1 extra ultrasound as they couldn’t get my medical records. So I had 1 and 9 weeks , paid for one at nearly 14 weeks, the anatomy at 20, and the did the extra at 32. This one though I’ve had so many problems… while I love seeing baby as much as I have it’s stressful… so far with this one I’ve had one at 6,7,9, and 12 weeks… 😞 I just want another easy pregnancy 😭 I’m not high risk, they say nothings wrong but I keep having bad bleeding which they do scans for… wishing you the best dear 😭❤️