I have been the same since my c-section on 10th. I brought it up during a couple of midwife visits and they said not to worry, just try and eat little and often until appetite comes back. Im still not eating the same as pre delivery, but I do finish a meal a day now. I was also advised that it could be the iron tablets I’m on so take them before bed so any nausea happens whilst I’m asleep.
I’m exactly the same post c section on the 10th not bothered by food at all, apparently quite normal, annoying because I’m a foodie!
I didn’t have a c section but I also experienced this after birth. I’m currently 2 weeks pp and only just starting to have any sort of appetite, even still I’m not too fussed for food. My midwife said it can be normal so I wouldn’t worry. Just try eat little and often and eat what you want. I found this helped get some of my hunger back x