All the time 😩
Yes! Sometimes he would eat wonderfully but most of the time we would eat so little and throw everything to the floor
Yes! He eats maybe 2 bites every meal and almost no milk. Idk how he survives 😫 I’m so stressed. Dr just gave us a referral to a feeding specialist to figure out what’s up. I’ll share any tips
@Cheyenne I know I said the same thing because how you eat couples bites from a tiny spoon and be full and if you could share anything when you see the specialist will be so appreciate our pediatrician told us that she is in normal weight so we shouldn’t worried but it worries me because that’s not enough
I was thinking for my LO it’s probably because of the teething
Yes! He loves salmon and white bread. I can't let him eat both that often!
yes he doesnt eat anything. he throws it all on the ground. he only likes smoothies😭
Same! Surviving on yogurt and veggie straw! We were just refered to a feeding therapist so stressed it’s something besides normal picky eating 😫
Yeah there are times she’ll eat everything and then other times one bite and throw it all on the floor lol