@Lizzy Thank you for your reply.😘 I note timings just so I know when was the last feed eventhou it take 45mins to an hour. And sometimes if he keep sucking if I dont take it out for 30mins plus hence I do 20mins on one side then 20 mins on the other so both breast are latched on equally or equal enough but saying that lately Since Sunday he gets off he right side in 11-12mins 😅
I don't even pay attention any more 😂 I feed in whatever position is comfortable, for however long baby wants.... On the other note, no, 45-60 minutes is quite a long time for feeds. How long is baby then going in-between feeds? How is babies weight? And is feeding comfortable for you?
@Charlotte He is 7weeks & few days and weights 5kg which was last week friday. Every 2-3 depending on how long he was breastfed the last one. How long do you normally breastfeed for? Well to be honest I do get a sore neck, shoulders, arms & back🥹. I do sit on a chair with a nursing pillow but when you have to nurse for that long body starts to hurt of course😅
Does his latch feel comfortable? How is his weight gain on his chart? Is he sticking to a centile? A "normal" feed is generally anything from 5-40 minutes, over 40 minutes, especially for every feed, would generally be considered quite excessive and might suggest difficulty transferring milk. Sometimes weight gain etc can still be fine with this, because they are managing to get the milk they need, it just takes them such a long time! My first baby fed for a long time and only then went an hour between, but he had a tongue and tie and allergies. my current baby feeds for max 10 minutes every 2-3 hours, so it really varies! (I am a breastfeeding counsellor)
I leave him until he's done, then I offer the other one (he doesn't always take it). Normally he does 10-15 minutes each side (he's 3w). Sometimes I take him off if it's been longer than that and he's clearly not eating anymore, just sucking. If I leave him too long just sucking, my nipples end up hurting.
My baby is nearly 6 weeks and also can feed for sometimes over an hour. His weight is going up rapidly and I’ve not got any nipple pain whatsoever. In the night he only feeds for 15/20 minsish and goes straight back to sleep so I know he CAN get his fill on a shorter feed but every now and then in the day he’ll do a mammoth one. He does this more in the evening so I think he’s stocking himself up for a long first stretch of sleep. I also think there’s an element of staying there for comfort! So you’re not alone in long feeding sessions! I also have heard that swapping them from one boob to the other too soon can result in a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance so I let him drain one then burp and swap or tbh he often feeds so frequently in the afternoon/evening that I just do a boob a session and he’s on again less than an hour later so I’ll offer the other boob then. :)
I've swapped each time unless she's been on and off quickly. Haven't bothered about timings from side to side. Time wise I've heard they just feed until they're full so times vary & growth spurts etc.will change it