
If we smoke a joint do I need to pump and freeze for milk bath how many time I need to pump so it’ll be out of my colostrum??
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Personally, I would say yes just even for the Tobacco/nicotine intake that comes from the blunt wrap itself. Because that transfer into breast milk for up to 12hrs.

@Ericka thanks I’ll do a joint then how long does it stay in your system that way??

Pumping and dumping doesn’t work with cannabis but I guess it doesn’t hurt to It all depends on how often you smoke and how much you smoke. It can be stored I breastmilk for up to 6 days but obviously the amount decreases each hour or so. Some people wait a few hours after smoking and just feed. Some people don’t wait at all because the amount that actually transfers into baby is really small. Not 100% sure on this paragraph I’ve written but I do know that pumping and dumping won’t work the way it works with alcohol

It stays in your system differently than alcohol like chi said, just try to keep your tolerance in mind and low if anything so the amount in your system isn't super potent to the breastmilk if that worries you at all

Weed is much different than alcohol as others have said….it is stored in your fatty tissue for quite some time so pumping & dumping doesn’t really work. Personally, I smoke and breastfeed, I have just cut back how much I smoke compared to prior to getting pregnant. But if you’re not comfortable with it, you almost would have to just not smoke to ensure there was no trace of it in your breastmilk.

I’ve read articles that say it can last for six days up to six weeks in breast milk, depending on how much you smoke 💗 as someone else said, pumping and dumping doesn’t work the same for THC as it does for alcohol 🥰

It’s fat soluable so it can stay in your system up to 30 days

@Jordan haven’t smoked in 10 months just was going to smoke one joint it wasn’t going to be anything on a daily basis just every blue moon

If that’s the case then you’ll be okay Everyone reacts differently so it’s at your discretion but it usually doesn’t cause any harm to babies

You don’t need to pump and dump you can just smoke and then feed your baby or feed your baby and then smoke

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