Bedtime help!

My little girl is 5.5 months now. I really want to start getting her to bed earlier but my partner always wants to get her bathed at around 9.30 and into bed for 10pm. She had a bottle at 7.15 tonight and she's getting tired now, I'm half tempted to bathe her and put her to bed now because I don't want her napping and being woken up in an hour to go for a bath. Does anyone have any tips for a bedtime routine? PPD has wrecked me but now I'm getting better I want to start focusing on getting her into a routine now I'm more comfortable with her being upstairs on her own in a different room.
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Does she sleep well through the night? I would tell your partner that studies show an earlier bedtime between 6-8pm is the right time for them to be going to bed means that they get their full 10-12 hours nighttime sleep and means less night time wake-up’s too as they’re not getting overtired x

@Jade she sleeps so well at night, usually has a good solid 11/12 hours. Trialled her last night going to bed at 8pm, woke at 12.30am but settled back off herself within 10 minutes. Xx

Aww that’s good! I mean whatever works for you as a family but if you are looking to start an earlier bedtime I’d say go for it, our bedtime routine is just bath, bottle in dark room with red light and then lay down and he usually goes off to sleep within 10-20 minutes xx

Mine wakes from his nap at 5:30, I then give him dinner and then he has a bath every other day, pjs on and chills, he then has a bottle at 7 and is asleep by 7:30 x

When mine seems tired i will give him a clean nappy, pjs put his sleep suit on and feed him a warm bottle of milk. He normally then falls asleep straight after and I’ll cuddle for an hour and then put to bed. He sleeps from about 7pm-6am. During the day I’ll put him down from naps awake but he always passes out on his last feed and I can’t seem to stop him

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