@Ruth thank you for the advice! It’s been so long since he’s used the reigns but I do feel he needs them again. He’s definitely been testing me recently. I remember he ran all round Tkmax randomly when I was pregnant and I thought I lost him then as well 😩
My son is coming up 4 and he will run off given half the chance, i still use reins now as that way i can guarantee he is safe xx
Hope your okay xx
I'd also use reins until he learns to stay close to you
Bless you incognito. Sending love. Could also be an attention thing because isn't the only child anymore. But yes go back to reigns. Get a back pack one and tell him he can fill it with his fave things. Tell him mum can't have you running off, it's dangerous. Xx
@Ruth thank you so much! I think it might be an attention thing as he is fine when daddy is with us or other people. That is a good idea, thank you! I’ve warned him about the dangers but he doesn’t seem to care 😩 you’d think he would be scared that he couldn’t see me, but no 🙃 I’ll keep reminding him though! Xx
Let me know how it goes. Xx
Not sure if you have seen them but we have a rein set that you both wear like a bracelet that has a bungee connecting you. We used this the other day at the fireworks and was great as she could wander free but just couldn't go to far away and was easy to use when holding hands too. Also gives you free hands for helping with baby and pushchair as well. We have mainly brought it for going on holiday for being in busy places with crowds so we can't lose her if she wants to run off!
My son is exactly the same! He goes crazy when I try put reins on him so I still put him in the pram when we go out. He’s more than old enough to walk but when I’m on my own I won’t take the risk of him running off x
Reins or consider introducing consequences - he runs off so you go home. A different spin might be to make him a helper now he's a big brother - telling you what the baby's doing in the pram or holding something for you that the baby might need.
When he’s out with you talk to him and tell him the dangers of him when he’s running off, say like “if you run off I can’t see you and there’s lots of cars and it’s dangerous” and maybe he might stay by you or run off a little bit in front of you if not just find some reigns that will attach to the pram and him so he can’t run off
Sorry chick but no he isn't too old for reigns if this is what he's doing to you. I use a back pack reign for my little one. I still hold his hand not walk him like a dog but it's there if he does decide to run when isn't safe, he has no sense of danger when it comes to roads etc and if he wants to run he acts like he can't hear me either and thinks it's a game. My son is 3 years 3 months. Honestly don't be afraid to take control again. Hope you're OK xx