Not ungrateful just truthful and responsible 🙄 I took my 20 month old trick or treating just for the experience, out of the entire bucket of treats she got she could eat only 3 as the rest were mostly gummies or boiled sweets so a choking risk. Your partner and MIL should know and understand this
Umm you are not being ungrateful my son is 21 months old and people was giving him lemon heads, gawbreakers and other choking hazards.. I separated it gave him a piece of chocolate (no nuts) while I was sorting through his bucket and put the choking hazards on top of the fridge..
Yea, you’re not being ungrateful. I go through similar situations and I always let them know and show/send them videos on why a 2yo isn’t supposed to eat certain things yet. It’s so frustrating but be proud your standing up for your child and preventing a dangerous situation from happening.
Not being ungrateful my mom bought popcorn at trunk or treat and I literally said “she can’t have popcorn” and she was like OH I need to eat away from her then so she doesn’t want any and that was that It’s just telling them or reminding them hey the child can’t have this so they know lol I don’t see how that’s ungrateful.. protection and education is ungrateful?
Some people just not like honesty... That's definitely not appropriate to me. But some people would prefer you saying "yes thanks" and throw it all in the bin whenever no one sees it.
You’re not being ungrateful, you’re being honest. As long as you said it in a kind way, there’s no problem. It would be silly to lie and say he ate them as then she might buy those sweets again in a different circumstance.