50-90 percentile in everything except speech she is 20th. I genuinely think all kids vary when it comes to reaching milestones. Right now she is better with comprehension of the words I am saying VS saying words. She can sign for more & milk. She only says Mama & mainly makes vowel sounds. She is still working on producing consonant sounds. She's been evaluated. Although she is behind most kids with speech, she is still within the standard deviation which is considered normal! TN had a free evaluation for children who may be missing milestones, starting at 12 months. It's helped a lot in reassuring us that she is just taking things at her own pace! Also, the CDC has started to push milestones as kids are starting to reach things later compared to their current guidelines.
I stopped paying attention to milestones, tbh. He’s eating pretty well, just started walking, but was reluctant to do it until he was perfect, climbs on everything, pretty good with fine motor skills, but selectively. Has a few words but mostly just babbles still, or like someone else said - I can kind of make out him trying to say words, but he may not quite have it yet.
Definitely agree that milestones seem like they’ve slowed, but I also think they’re there and just not as obvious! He recently started running, is able to climb on top of his activity table 😅, will respond “yes” and “no” appropriately sometimes, can identify about 60 things (if we ask him to find them in books or in his surroundings), looooves reading and music/dancing, he says 14 words, gives hugs, waves hi and bye and blows kisses, loves drinking from an open cup but still spills about half haha, tries using his spoon and fork at all meals, loves to mimic facial expressions and words
I think milestones do tend to slow down/the timeline is much longer. So instead of it being 1-2 months for a milestone to be hit its like 6 months range lol My daughter has grown in confidence and is climbing EVERYTHING. Yesterday she recognized me saying "poop" to the dog and made what sounded like "I poop" and when I said "did you poop?" To her, she went "YEAH!" And when we got back inside I chdcked her and sure enough! I also wanna be clear that the "I poop" was not clearly those words, it just sounded like them, so thats why I assumed thats what she meant. She is working on speaking, utensil use, and just general balance/motor skills as we recently joined gymnastics.