Desire to breast feed...

My 3 week old has always refused the breast, since birth, and not understood how to even give breast feeding a go, so has been drinking from bottles, both expressed milk and formula. Last night, he underwent the snip for his posterior tongue tie, and we have been advised to not offer bottles but to offer finger feeding, which involves applying a 5F feeding tube to your finger, putting your finger in their mouth and encouraging them to suckle. We have tried this 3 times since, and it has been horrific, the screams and the cries that come from this baby is just insane!! He goes for 1.5 hours before he sort of understands he needs to suck pretty hard to get the milk from the bottle down the feeding tube... The question is, did anyone else go through or down this route to be able to breast feed their babies? Or, is it not worth it & just stick to the routine we've created with the bottles?
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To be honest our breast feeding journey ended shortly after his revision because of the same thing. He was hungry and in pain and I couldn't be anymore of a "bad guy" in the moment. I kinda wish we pushed through but I was too guilty and we just stuck with bottles. My already abysmal supply dropped severely shortly after despite my efforts to pump and boost my supply.

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