Have you done any checks (blood work, scans) since after the last miscarriage? We haven't got lucky after our last MC in March, but concurrently decided to do IVF with PGT testing given my age. However during one of my stims scan at day 9 of my cycle, a doctor noticed a potential polyp. Apparently all of the scans kinda missed that, maybe BC they were done in the luteal phase, I was cleared of any polyp or fibroids too in a check in May. Anyway my polyp had been confirmed and it's right in the middle of my uterus. It might have prevented us from getting pregnant again after the last MC. But just saying that maybe it's worth to think about get things checked again if you haven't done so, and checking at different parts of the cycle seems to make a difference, in our case at least. Although having said that I do understand sometimes it does take time to get there. Good luck! x
@Sabrina I’ve done blood works and they have come back clear. I have been told take low dose aspirin after my second miscarriage. I did a ultrascan earlier this year before my two miscarriages so maybe I might go and have another scan just to check everything is clear. Last time I had a ultrascan was during ovulation do you think I should have it at different time? And which time do you think I should have it?
I think it might be worth to check just after the period has finished. Yes sometimes things can change after the miscarriages so definitely worth repeating the checks again.
This depends if you are taking a break from trying to get pregnant. If you are not doing anything to prevent pregnancy then it would be important to atleast keep taking folate as this plays an important role in decreasing neural tube defects and this developmental stage happens very early in the fetal formation ( in many instances before people realize they are pregant). So if you choose to stop taking the vitamins, perhaps just try to take an active folate suppliment if you are not on birth control.