Mine is asking for one of those partial tents that go over the bed and character posters for her bedroom, glow in the dark stars, a marble run, suddenly into the Barbie brand play sets, more magnatiles (a total hit if you don’t have them), microphone, crocs and croc charms like her big sister and they also have little bracelets that you can make custom jewelry with the croc charms. That’s the main stuff we’ve compiled over the last few weeks of me digging in and trying to make a list.
My daughter at that age asked for barbies, a drivable car, a hatch animal things, anything unicorn, and dress up clothes/makeup. Just to name a few things.
If you don’t have magnatiles - all my kids love them ages 2-17. lol don’t tell my 17 year old I told you that. But they are fun for playing with the kids too. I bought like 400 of them last year. The kids built so much stuff and they pull them out all the time.
My daughter is interested in dinosaurs, arts and crafts, and horses.
My almost 5yo is asking for a lot of playdoh and crafting sets, like making bracelets and jewelry. Oh and play makeup and dress up sets!
Thank you guys! I’ll look some of these things up! My MIL is getting her a Barbie dream house but I find she doesn’t play that much with her Barbies. Maybe that will encourage her to play more and I’ll grab her some extra Barbies, too. We do have magnatiles (last year I got her her the castle set and the unicorn stable in addition to her 110pc set she has had for a while) and it’s definitely a hit. I enjoy playing with them too!
I added roller skates to my daughter’s Christmas list. Trying to encourage more outside activities for her. She has too much energy I need nap inducing activities.
Mine is asking for surprise squishmallows, lols or anything surprise; Legos, food set for her kitchen and house hold accessories for her doll house She likes drawing and coloring so that's another idea. Also planning on buying her either a scooter or skates
Mine is into crafting, she wants acrylic markers, magnetic blocks (Minecraft ones). Furby, those little plastic beads you iron to make animals, flowers etc.