Do you think you have a fast let down/ over supply? Does he choke/cough on your milk especially at the beginning of starting on a breast? My little girl experiences the same as your little one and after a breastfeeding consultation, it seemed this was my problem.
@Charlotte yes!! I do have a fast let down…tried hand expressing but still feel it’s an issue as can be expressing for ages for the liquid part to pass…any suggestions on what helped your little girl??
@Tanya not tried yet but yes will try this!!
- breast compressions to relieve pressure/fast let down (not expression) - start with softest breast for 2-4 days instead of alternating which breast you start with - stop iron supplement and multivitamins and reduce oats - increase rest and digest period between breasts following babies cues to stop feeding from first breast and start feeding from the next
Have you tried infacol or dentinox yet? One of those might help.