All the above plus as hard as it is, I know try not to react. I've resorted to putting my arm over my mouth to mask the sound lol I found that when baby realised there was a sound she acts like it's a game and finds it super funny which would make her repeat it. every time your baby bites take them off the boob and gently tell themno biting and keep them off for a few seconds I know it sounds too simple but keep it up and it worked for me. Hope it gets better 💜
When my little girl bites, I remove her from my boob and tell her no with a straight face and a stern tone- she’s usually finding it hilarious! I find when I re-latch her she doesn’t bite again but I can sympathize, it really fucking hurts! I’ve yelped out a few times
Silver nipple cups! Also apply breast milk and allow it to air dry. If LO if chomping down because he’s teething, try teething gel/granules before a feed