@Stephanie thats great numbers congratulations girl! Will you be transferring in the next couple of months? I had my retrieval, 37 retrieved!! No wonder I was/am in so much pain! 24 were mature and 11 fertilised with ICSI, will get our next update in 5 days 🤞🏼💗 obv is a freeze all xx
I had exactly this! It’s a good sign though. The few days leading up I felt super bloated, moody and like achey heavy ovaries! I couldn’t sit down for long, laying down was better! I told the doctor on the morning of harvest was a bit uncomfortable and he got me to take paracetamol and they gave me another pain relief before the op too. After the harvest though I initially felt so much better! I ended up with 20 follicles, which they said was a lot, and they got 19 eggs at Harvest! 12 fertilised and 9 developed. We ended up with 3 frozen. So keeping fingers crossed for you today!