It can be tough but eat whatever you fancy or crave as I found that made me actually want to eat it and could stomach it over forcing random food for the sake of eating
Eating little and often works for me
I found fizzy drinks helped (sugar free flavoured water ones can keep costs and calories down) but the bubbles helped bring up wind which helped relieve the sick feeling
I’ve found that forcing myself to eat every hour has helped. The sickness gets worse if I feel slightly hungry. Have to have very plain food though. Completely gone off hot drinks too. I’ve found that chopping up an apple and eating it slowly in small pieces has helped.
I tried travel sickness bands which did help things x
Apple and sparkling water helps me atm
The sickness struggle at work is real. I’ve had HG is the past and seems to be making its way back again. 10+3 today. Does the sickness get any easier? i’ve had the nausea from 3 weeks so far hoping it’s going to get better soon as thinking have started to build up a tolerance to the cyclezine tablets.
With my first eating oranges and apples was a game changer