We do milk at 7 then breakfast at 9
First milk then solids a couple of hours later for both. x
Mine has milk and then around 2 hours later has solids
So I give breakfast then milk xx
With my now eldest I gave milk first at around 7/7:30am then 2hrs after breakfast/solids. I will likely do the same with my 2nd when we start weaning, just because that routine of milk first then 2hrs after solids will allow me a tidy routine to still get eldest ready and take to school and get home for little one to have solids
The thing is my LO gets tired after about 2 hours so is giving breakfast an hour after okay?
I offer milk after lunch not before because I’ve noticed baby won’t eat as much if just had milk. Breakfast the same just baby mostly nurses once they get up.
I always nurse about 30mins before feeding solids.