Christmas presents for LO

What's everyone getting their lo for Christmas or asking family for? My family keep asking me what to get her and I'm honestly clueless 😅
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For family I've asked for books, clothes in the next size or money for his savings account. We've got him a walker, coat and a few books and I'm planning to do a little stocking with bath toys, socks, snacks etc. nothing major

I'm thinking of getting her a walker even though she hasn't crawled yet lol my parents are coming from Italy, they haven't asked me anything yet and if I know my mum she will get her toys but I'm thinking to suggest some Italian books as I'm buying her here the ones in English .I'm following for ideas !!

I got my LO an activity cube, some clothes and books so far. We have asked family to get a toonies box and some characters, some clothes or some money

He’s getting a walker which was his older cousin’s and will do some small stocking gifts similar to Flo.

Only thing I can think of is a car seat and some money for clothes

Family have pretty much got my little girl sorted. She's getting a mix of toys and clothes at the moment. We always have some family that gift money so we'll put that in her ISA. Mostly it's people asking what us adults want 😂

Ball pit and activity table is all I’ve asked for and toys that she will grow into x

We’ve asked for toys that may be a little old for her so when she starts hitting those ages we can get the new toys out so it’ll be something new and exiting

Activity cube, walker, money for savings account or dresses size up/snowsuits

I got some wooden toys in Aldi and my mums got her some 9-12 month clothes.

I've got my wee girl a massive ball pit, learning toys and clothes

We’ve asked for the next size of car seat because he’s almost outgrown his one and a few 6-12 month toys, clothes in the next size up and books. I haven’t bought anything yet but got my eye on some stuff on Vinted

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