I've read that too. My first was emergency. Second was planned and delivered at 39+4 with no sign of labour.
This was me too I’ve not long had my second little one via elective section wish I could have attempted VBAC as recovery had been a little difficult with a toddler running around this time. This little one didn’t want to make an early appearance either she arrived 39+6 😌 I didn’t realise it made you a higher risk until my 12 week scan but I was offered additional internal scans for cervical length thankfully everything was ok with mine and only had to have the two Xx
I’ve just found this out too! Apparently it’s because your cervix could be shortened and weaker due to being fully dilated. I’ve got an extra scan next week to check if I need a stitch in my cervix. I had a severe shoulder dystocia with my little boy xx
@Jo and you were fully dilated the first time?
I had no idea! I also had an emergency c section while fully dilated as my baby boy was stuck. This sounds like something the doctors should’ve mentioned when presenting the risks and considerations for trying to push through with the vaginal birth vs emergency c section. They also never told me that I need to wait 18 months before trying to conceive again. I only found that out when getting discharged
I was told this too after my 12 week scan and at my 20 week scan they did an extra check to measure the length of my cervix - all was fine and as it should be. The lady doing the scan even said she’s never had a case where it hasn’t been and thinks it must just be a precautionary thing they’re introducing. I panicked too at first but my midwife hadn’t even heard of this increased risk so try not to worry, I’m sure you’ll be fine 🫶🏼
I only found out this out from girls on this app too! I got to 10cm and pushed for 2 & 1/2 hours but he wouldn't budge so ended in a c section. He is 2 in Feb and we hope to try again next year and I'm going to elect for a planned section x
Might have been a coincidence but this is what happened with my first baby, and my second decided to arrive at 35 weeks with my water breaking a few days before … they never told me about this either
Well this would apply to me too. I was hoping for a vbac but I just keep having pregnancy loss :(
I only found this out after my own research - it was never mentioned at my birth review meeting. The increased risk of having a pre-term birth is quite significant - 15% (c section at full dilation) vs 2% (c section not at full dilation). I did read that a scan can detect whether or not a stitch is necessary. Also I understand that the nhs are currently carrying out a research study into this. I definitely didn’t appreciate the significance of having a c section at full dilation as well as increased risk for future births there’s also a greater risk of baby requiring resuscitation even when a feral pillow is used to elevate the head during surgery - this happened to me and I wasn’t able to even see my baby until several hours after surgery as he went straight to NICU 😥
For anyone interested the NHS study currently being conducted is called the CRAFT project
@Sharon oh bless you ☹️ I do have a scan soon to check cervix, I read if they can see your stitches via trans V scan they might chuck a stitch in. I hope I’m knocked out if it’s needed because OWIE
@Lisa oh bless your heart. I’m really sorry to hear that. Don’t give up 💕
@Emily oh damn. I think she mentioned it because I’m close together (pregnant again 10 months PP)
Well thats a new fear unlocked 🙃 I love finding out new things drs really should tell you before you decide on a section... (/s)