I had the same issue but only with one boob but she hated the shield as well so I just pump and put in a bottle just for that one boob .But yes I would say pump for a bit than have them latch and use a milk collector to collect from the other boob while the baby latched on the other one .
You can always try to start him on a bottle so he’s calm and then try to latch after he’s had a bit to eat. You could also try to get your let down started before he latched that way it’s ready for him.
If your on Facebook, I’d join the group called “latched”. You’ll find sooooo much good advice there mama!
Have u checked for a tie?
@katelynn yes that was initially my concern so I told his pediatrician and she said there wasn’t one. I did try the pulling down method that the others recommended and he still just won’t keep his latch.. he gives up after 3-5 minutes…
Could also consider the nipple speed on the bottle. My LO does the same because I have a low milk supply but once I switched him to a slow flow nipple i feel it matched the speed of my let down better and he had more patience with me
@Lalita that’s a good idea! I will move him back to a premie nipple and see if this helps him. Thank you!
You might not have a strong enough let down! My baby gets super frustrated with bottles when the milk won’t come out fast because she is starving 😂 maybe try pumping for a second until your milk lets down then put him on!