So when she was very little I used to as she would have to wake up for a feed anyways. Since my little girl turned 1, I make sure she's dry before bed and she only woke up 1/2 times a night and if she is dirty or very wet. I'll change otherwise I just leave till the morning. Now, she's 21 months and if she's dry going to bed, she will usually stay dry until she wakes up in the morning then I'll change her straight away once she's finished.
I would skip to just changing her at the 7am especially as you have said its basically dry also. However if shes done a poo or is wetter then I'm changing her.
If it’s no poo I don’t change. He stopped pooping at night at maybe 7-8w. I didn’t change until morning, and he’s never leaked. No rashes either. Even though he still woke up to feed he’d nod off on the boob and I’ll put him down no change
Only for a soiled nappy (or overly full). Just give it a squidge x
If they did a poop incase they get sore
Depends. In the early days yes. Also if it’s overly full.
When my daughter was newborn I would change her nappy when she woke for a feed in the night as she would usually poo but stopped at about 8 weeks as she wasn’t pooing during the night anymore. I use pampers for nighttime as they seem to be the best absorbency so keeps them comfortable all night x
I have a little feel when they wake up and see if the nappy feels heavy or smells. If not, I’ll leave it till the inevitable next wake up 😂
As a newborn yes. But now baby is 7 months I don’t bother as it only disturbs him and keeps him awake making him over tired come the morning xx
Yeah most nights only because she leaks through her nappy and clothes otherwise. If not I wouldn’t until the morning as it wakes her up
I change my little man’s diaper maybe once in the night, more if I need to. Zero times if I don’t need to. 😊
We did with my first for ages until we realized it wasn’t needed (if there’s no poo and it’s not leaking there’s no reason to wake them up further by changing them). Stopped with my second after about a month because she stopped pooping in the night
No only when they’re very young usually within the first 6 months of life and aren’t yet eating solids if they’ve had a blowout . For my babies they’re all toddlers now and I change at the beginning of the night and first thing in the morning
My newborn we change one time in the middle of the night, my toddler (and when he was an older baby) we didn't change in the middle of the night (unless there's poop, but he rarely pooped at night)
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Newborn stage the nappy often needed changing after a feed but now my LO is a toddler he doesn't need changing overnight apart from the rare occasion when he's had a dirty nappy I wake him to change. Generally only wee's overnight which gets changed when he wakes in the morning.
Just after I give bottle
If it’s a poo yes definitely. Not for wee unless she is awake and I notice it’s very heavy X
If it's dry it will be fine. We don't change if its not needed. Think of the money u save not changing a nappy a day as well lol. That 7 nappies a week haha I always check in the nite but if its dry I leave it. Feed him burp him and sleep lol.