My little boy has now changed recently to one feed in the morning early like 6 AM for around 10 minutes and then another 10 minutes at 3 PM ish and then again before bed at 7 or 8 PM. He obviously has three meals a day and snacks which helps him not drink so much milk but if he wanted milk more, I would give it to him so I wouldn’t stress it’s still so good for them at this age x
I dropped day feeds but finding very hard to drop nights, he wakes up and asks for boob and becomes hysterical if I don’t give it. Gonna try to drop night feeds in upcoming weeks but I can already tell it won’t be easy.
Morning, mid morning, mid afternoon and bedtime x
We were down to feeds only before sleep, but this week she's wanting to be fed allll the time and the night wakings for milk are nearly hourly. We were planning on trying night weaning next week, but I think there's something going on where she needs more comfort for now so might hold off (even though I'm shattered!)
We do morning fed and bedtime also on the day sometimes shel want a little bit. But at night we are the same she wants to feed nearly hourly and I'm exhausted too, wondering about night weaning but also feel like it'll be so hard as when I try not to give it to her she's just hysterical 😴🥲
Morning and evening before bed. Occasionally on days we are together once or twice for comfort briefly during day. Occasionally a quick top up after pick up from nursery x
You’re not alone. I actually came on here to ask similar question. My daughter is suddenly not going easy to sleep - crying even though normally she would go to cot happily. And after first wake up I have to co sleep as she just wakes up constantly demanding boob. Hope it’s some short phase ..
Morning feed (although depending on what kind of night she’s had she doesn’t always want this) and then just before bed. During the night usually once but we’ve been getting a few full sleep through the nights recently, so not always. Then if we are home for nap time she usually has a feed for that as well but again that’s maybe once or twice a week at most.
Just one feed before bed x
My little boy is still feeding through the night and day too!😫 I’m struggling getting 3 full meals down him some days as he’s still feeding a lot and just generally using me as comfort as he will hardly take his dummy anymore 🙁x
Only at night (sometimes even 4 times 😩) any tips on how to get him to sleep all night? I’m tireddd x
My little girl is 14 months and she feeds in the morning, before each of her two naps during the day, plus sometimes a couple of times between these, and she also wakes anything from 1/2 times during the night to feed
Mine had self weaned during the day apart from one feed to sleep for nap but then he got croup and ever since then he’s constantly on the boob again! At night it’s every hour. It’s honestly more than when he was a newborn. Didn’t expect this at 14mo 🤣
Mine only feeds at night now but it is pretty much every hour and it's a killer. My older 2 had stopped feedijg by this age but I don't see this one stopping any time soon!
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Thank you everyone, I feel very reassured as I really thought I was alone in the feeding every hour through the night thing. She used to sleep so well, only waking once or twice, and now it's constant, or she just wants to be latched on for comfort... I so hope this is a phase!
I have friends who still do :) I just woke up one morning dry, so it was over for us :( she did feed morning and night before I dried up :)
Once in the morning, once before bed and several times overnight, varies how many times, sometimes 2, sometimes 5…
My LO has been cluster feeding a lot more recently. Started to research and 14-15 months this can happen, I’m putting down to that, developmental leap and teething! 🙃😊
We’re feeding on demand and he loves a comfort feed so there isn’t much structure to it at all for us. If we’re out during the day and he’s distracted then he won’t feed for most of the day. If we’re home he feeds more often. He recently started asking for a feed to go with story time so he’ll bring me a book and sign for milk and we’ll snuggle up and read and since he loves books anyway this significantly increases our number of feeds 😅 He also feeds to sleep so either one or two naps depending on the day plus bedtime
When ever she wants..... 5-60 mins. Lol ❤️ 😆
My boy feeds a lot still. He tries to lift my top up! Have dropped night feeds in the last week but he defo comfort feeds and I feed him in the morning, before nap and bedtime and a few times in the day. I don't know how I'm going to wean him when the time comes. I have defo found he has wanted breastfeeding more while his molars were cutting through
Usually first thing in the morning and before bed, very occasionally during the day. Until about a week ago the feeds were very quick, but the past week she's been wanting to feed for an hour in the mornings which is completely throwing off our mornings!