I’m also in the same situation and have decided to start introductions a scoop of the normal formula into each bottle and see how it goes as I’m also clueless as what to do 😅
My son was on aptamil comfort for the same amount of time, I used the last tub to introduce cows milk by mixing a coupe of oz in and upping it each week over about 4 weeks. TBH I probably could have gone cold turkey he was absolutely fine xx
@April My LG is also on Aptamil comfort so this is great to know! Thank you
I don't have experience with this specifically but I would do a transition onto milk. I looked up comfort milk, the protein is partially broken down and there's less lactose so I would try a lactose free milk first. Possibly goats milk as it's also lactose free. Do you have A2A2 milk? It's regular cows milk but these cows produce a different protein makeup that's easier to digest