Mines been making lots of sounds like this for ages now but still no words. We thought he might have cracked hiya with a wave but I haven’t seen it consistently enough to be sure yet. Theyll do it all in their own time I’m sure 😊
Little boy can say car, hiya, teddy but took ages
Cat was his first word. 🐈
Mama dada nana and babbles that’s about it
Ahh okay thank you ladies for your comments, I know every child develops differently but my LO was more focussed on getting on the move and destroying things rather than babbling to start off with🤣 Love that some of your littles are saying words though💗
Babbles like a gooden but main word he knows is no 😅
My LG says mama, papa, car, plane, clock, ball, and makes some animal sounds. This has been in the last 2 weeks. Babbles non stop.
Nope! Making lots of sounds tho!
Mama dada baba nana no and lots of bubbling