Thank you, I'll try the cup
Is there a danger she might then prefer the flow of the cup over my breasts?
That sounds tricky. I remember when my little boy was feeding that often too. Sometimes though, they just have to wait. I know it’s hard but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. Crying is horrible but it won’t physically hurt them. I would probably try to find someone to come with you, feed baby as soon as you get there and then hopefully they can last until you get out of the appointment, but if not warn the babysitter that they are likely to cry.
My baby is 2 months and feeds very often. I take my sister with me to my appointment because my husband is always at work. I've fed in the waiting room before my appointment just so I know he'll be calm for atleast the next 15 min
Could you time her nap for the appointment so she wont know you are gone?
Teach her to nap in the pram, then go for a walk before appointment and time it so she’s asleep, that’s what I do x feed her just before you leave and new nappy, can make sure she’s tired but keeping her up abit longer or doing a big activity.
My baby doesn’t need a feed that often but I still have moments when she is hungry all of a sudden. Normally at 4mo someone was able to distract her so it was no longer such a big deal. Alternatively, maybe try offering milk in an open cup?