We introduced a dummy for this reason and it really helped! She doesn’t want it all the time and will spit it out if not needed. It definitely helps to settle her ☺️
My 8 week old takes a dummy for this reason and still breastfeeds well.
We don’t give our 8 week old a dummy although we have tried for comfort during hospital apts etc. I started noticing him using my boob to sleep aswell. Now I just walk him around and he will fall asleep without wanting it. They’re cheeky lil things
What brand on dummies do you use? Iv tried MAM and a Tommy tippee one but my daughter won’t accept and uses me as her dummy 🫠
Baby is just establishing your milk supply which will be fully established by 12 weeks , I do use dummies for my twins who I breastfeed mainly for while one waits ahha! Dummies are absolutely fine theyvare not the enemy , do what keeps you and your baby happy xx
We started introducing one around 3 weeks intermittently and more frequently recently at 5 weeks because my baby has a high suckle need. We only offer after a feed and it's been really helpful, otherwise he'd never leave the boob if he had the choice! We'd also been recommended it by an IBCLC at 2 weeks as my supply was good and we're responding to hunger cues. I am worried about over reliance so using sparingly and trying to soothe him without before offering it. If used when older, it can impact speech development, some say wean off the dummy at 6 months or before a year depending where you look.
@Michelle my daughter was the same and the only dummy she took was BIBS x
I’m EBF and gave my son a dummy around 2 weeks for this exact reason! It shouldn’t interfere with breastfeeding if their latch is established. I only use the dummy if he won’t settle once I have fed him, it also helps with him being able to self soothe so I don’t need to rock him or hold him for him to sleep which will help in the long run. Just make sure you think about having to get the dummy off them when they’re older that’s the only con I’d say