Train riding is hard lol
I have been getting the train for years and never once has anyone forcibly hit me with their bags until today. The train was pretty crowed but I had one fella who couldn’t stand straight keep falling against me forcing his back pack into my stomach so I spent most of the journey holding him up by his back pack. Then when I tried to get off another fella wearing a very full back pack looked at me trying to get off the train and then swung his back towards me really hard so I had to push him away from my stomach as well. It was almost like he did it on purpose. I am showing quite a bit already and I don’t know if I am being paranoid but there was something about the way it all happened it didn’t seem accidental. I am a little upset by it if I’m honest.
I understand the feeling, the train from sandwell to new street is very busy and I commute to Nottingham for work. Thank god I stopped this week ,34 weeks. Because I hated the train journey and I have been really scared of weird people on train who could start a fight and hit you anytime. Moreover the train is always busy and I couldn’t even go past the door to the priority seats. They are full as well and I don’t have the courage to ask the to leave a seat. As if they are gonna say no. I felt soooo frustrated at times ai felt so helpless