I second what Jade said, keep letting him explore it and don’t put any pressure on actually eating the food. sometimes it takes a few times trying a food before they actually like it, even when they show they don’t like it. It could be texture, taste, smell that puts him off. But since you started food, I would keep introducing it every day, if you stop, it might be confusing for him
I don’t think that him not being interested in food right now means he’ll grow up a picky eater. I would continue offering but never forcing I know families who introduced solids after a year or even at 16 months because their kids weren’t interested or ready. Trust your child when he’s ready he’ll star eating just continue offering.
have you looked into probiotics? maybe help his gut build up more enzymes that could change his palate. i’d see about if he’s able to ingest acidophilus
@Andrea it’s finding a probiotic that’s dairy free 😩
I think the advice is to just keep giving and exposing to food - he'll take to it when he is ready, but exploring now is going to really help. Not making any fuss around him eating is also helpful, but he can still sit with you for meals or watch you prep food and you can demonstrate how great it is to eat by being positive and smiley when you do it - he'll pick it up eventually! However, if you are worried, then either speak to the health visitor or a doctor 😊