@Gabrielle I went to see a pelvic floor specialist at around 12 weeks pp and she gave me a few exercises to do but she did say my pelvic floor tone was quite good. Since doing those exercises I don’t have any stress incontinence anymore (peeing while coughing and sneezing etc) but sadly haven’t noticed any difference in the size of my vaginal opening 😭
Aww I’m really sorry that’s been the case for you! Did she say it looked abnormal at all? I asked my physio if it looked normal and basically asked her to give me a tour of what was now going on down there which really helped me get my head round everything. Performing scar massage helped me as well, I felt sick touching the area at first but now have no issues! I know you said you hate touching it but that could help?
Have you made a decision about surgery? I feel the same way and I did do P.T. Sounds terrible to say but I can't imagine having more kids. What would happen down there?😳
@Dessi I’m currently pregnant with my second, after this we probably won’t be having any more children. I’m so so worried about any more damage down there but the other part of me thinks pushing will be easy this time around as it’s wide enough this time around without too much pushing 😭💀🤣 I really don’t know what to do but it’s horrible how much I hate my vagine now
I’ve been having pelvic floor physio after the same birth but with a third degree tear and she said it’s a pelvic floor issue from weak muscles. Might be worth looking at physio before surgery. Doing physio has made the world of difference to me and I’m now 7 months post partum and feel pretty much back to normal! I know how horrible it can be though to feel that everything is different!