You can start giving water on an open cup so she can getting used to it
That’s a great idea! My LO is refusing bottles and I was wondering how we would manage in January when I go back to work. He’s had milk from an open cup once and it went well so I think I’ll be trying that again. We have got him a sippy cup but he currently just chews on it 😅
My LO has been refusing bottles so we’ve recently introduced an open cup. I just bought a small, silicone one from Amazon and she takes the milk pretty well so far! We’re trying to do one a day so she gets used to the skill of drinking from an open cup as she is just trying to suckle from it atm!
Should also note that we went down the open cup route instead of using a sippy cup as it says it’s better for their teeth 😊
We're in a similar position - I'll be starting with a small cup tomorrow and I'll try and give him the milk 😅 when we start weaning, we'll also eventually introduce a straw cup so he has the two types 😊 It's going to be messy but we're prepared for that - I think