@Felicia it's sooo rough like why is it so expensive
@Lizzie right? Mine weren't great before having kids but after it's just gotten even worse sadly
YES!!! Why does no one talk about how having babies kill your teeth. I had 14 cavities after having my baby, but I’ve never had more than 1-2 at a time before!!!!!!! Who’s got $3000 to drop on cavities 🫠
Its actually so insane
@Sarah right? I'm already anxious about going to the damn dentist but after pregnancy going is almost worse 😫😫😫😫 like I feel like their gonna judge the hell out me and my teeth 😫😫
Like I know it's their job and they probably seen worse but I can't get over the anxiety let alone the anxiety of the procedures 🙃😭
Urgh same thing happened to me after giving birth im missing 3 teeth now one closer to the front :(. Dental is so expensive here in Canada. I hear soon they will be covering some of it. They are going by age they are at 65 + now. I get you❤️