Low folate won't affect the baby but it can be bad for mum if you bleed a lot during birth
Yes, ive always struggled with anemia - specifically my ferritin is always low (its not been about 20 in the last 22 years!) Taking iron supplements with orange juice and avoiding calcium for 4 hours should help. Obviously having an iron rich diet helps too - lots of meats, lentils, green veg, like spinach/broccoli... I guess km not helpful really as my iron is permanently low 😬
Thank you guys so much i really appreciate this!! I am sadly also lactose intolerant lol so cereal i have been mostly eating dry anyways but that is really good to take not of!! I really appreciate that🩷🩷 My ferritin was 8 even with the ferrous fummerate tablets so maybe I just need longer on them to see a rise!
@Kirsty That is such ashame!! I am so sorry you have such low levels and nothings working much, I have been struggling with the fatigue and the crazy heart rate the last few months never mind for years, I really hope there is something they can do to make things easier for you🩷
@Emma 🌱 Thank you so much for this! I have been worrying I am starving the baby or putting her at risk. I will obviously try hard to keep levels high for my sake but to know babys not in danger helps🩷 I will make sure if i do have any dairy to keep it away from my tablets, I have moved taken the ferrous fumerate til right before bed as they make me nauseous so I normally get to sleep before that kicks in. I will stop eating anything with calcium near then 🩷
The heart racing is what's bothering me at the moment. I can be perfectly relaxed and then I'm noticing it pounding, its so frustrating! Something else to consider is cooking in cast iron pans. I have two older children who seem completely happy and healthy if it makes you feel more calm. They take everything from you during pregnancy!
I had anaemia for 12 years and numerous times been in hospital at dangerous levels. I ended up having an iron infusion around 32 weeks pregnant. I’m 8 weeks PP and still feel good. I was badly anaemic with my daughter 11 years ago and didn’t have an infusion and she was born happy and healthy, same with my son. It mainly affects you and how you feel/operate day to day.
I will definitely add lots of spinach, liver if you tolerate and steak for iron. With folate hope they prescribe the natural form as it’s absorbing better.
I have just had an iron infusion at 31 weeks and I’m feeling a lot better. Do you know your ferritin levels? The infusion really helps you could try asking?
@Katie My ferritin levels were at a 7 last bloods I got, what level were you when they recommended an iron infusion? I have my 32 week appointment a week today so I will definitely bring it up to my midwife, I feel as if the tablets are just making me nauseous but not solving the other issues xx
Mine were at 9 2 weeks before I got sent for the infusion. I wasn’t doing well with the tablets they made me sick. They then gave me liquid but I was so tired and I told them I was feeling so rubbish all the time and I had blurred vision with it so they said they would just send me for the infusion.
If your feeling tired and weak ect just make it clear because there were no risks to the baby. In and out the hospital in 2 hours and now feeling so much better and you don’t have to take anymore iron for weeks. Just know it’s an option if you feel you need it and speak up at the appointment. Xx
It's worth knowing that whilst vitamin c helps with iron absorption, on the flip side calcium will inhibit iron absorption. So when you say you eat a lot of cereal be wary of the amount of milk you're having and try not to have it at the same time as the iron. Ideally should be a couple hours apart