Breastfeeding rant
Im exclusively breastfeeding my 3 week old. My husband said I wasn't doing my sons washing properly (clothes) which i retaliated with our son is constantly on the breast, why don't you try breastfeeding and then ill get the clothes done to your standards. Which later turned into him telling me how hard it is for him to be belittled because obviously he can't breastfeed. I've have been diagnosed with postpartum anxiety so he knows how delicate I am at the moment.
Now I've said I don't want to breastfeed so he doesn't feel a type of way if I argue with him again, but I feel so much regret because now he's almost egging me on with giving him formula, I feel so let down and hurt that I've given him the chance to take breastfeeding away from me, even though I find it hard im enjoying it so much!
Advice would be appreciated, from a stressed out first time mum x
Absolutely not, no chance in hell is that fair. Instead of giving up breastfeeding he should be taking on more responsibility around the house and doing the laundry. Why is that soley your responsibility? I’m furious for you! You should be on the same team and working together, it’s awful he’s made you feel you should stop breastfeeding so you can exert yourself in other ways to benefit him. Ridiculous. I feel for you sweet; sorry he’s dreadful you don’t deserve that xx