PPROM at 27+4

Hey, looking for anyone who’s had similar. I was admitted to hospital when I was 27+4 due to bleeding, it was 8th episode of bleeding due to a low lying placenta. Unfortunately after an examination they noticed my waters had broke, and think they ruptured around 26+5. Up until that point I hadn’t noticed any fluid loss but the fluid level around the baby was too low and I tested positive for amniotic fluid. I was kept in hospital until the bleeding settled, I am now at home as bleeding has stopped, I’m now 28+4, 7 days on. I have noticed since being home that I have lost so much more fluid, which the hospital told me to expect, and thankfully I have another scan Monday to see how fluid levels are doing. Has anyone had an experience in the loss of fluid? I’m struggling to even stand as I’m leaking so much, and it’s so uncomfortable. The liquid is clear but sometimes light pink which the doctor said to expect and is OK, need to be careful of the ‘bright red’ bleeding in the fluid. If you are experiencing loosing a lot of fluid please reach out and let me know how you’re getting on or how long your pregnancy lasted until labour.
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I pprom'd at 22wks and leaked daily,,, I was admitted and I had to give birth at 24wks as i had caught an infection... I'm surprised they let you home?? When this first happened did they tell you how much fluid was left? I only had 0.7cm of fluid left, I don't know what that looks like but I could still feel him moving about etc . He's now almost 3 and never stays still 🤣🤣

I’ve just dropped you a DM , I’m going through the exact same as you and you’re only a week ahead of me in pregnancy !

Hey my waters broke at 29 weeks and I managed to get through to 37 week. I rested as much as I could. Good luck xx

My waters broke early but was at 34 weeks, they let me go until 37 weeks and I got induced as was a slow leak, but started to get abit more as the weeks went on, I had to constantly wear big pads because of it, hopefully when you have your scan baby still has plenty fluid around them❤️

I had prom at 19 weeks. Unfortunately I lost my son.my waters leaked for a week. I had him on my bed at home. I lived to far from hospital

@Jennifer That's soo sad , sorry to read this ❤️🕊

I'm surprised they didn't keep you in the hospital. My water broke at 25 weeks and stayed in hospital bed rest until she was born at 28. Stay off your feet as much as you can and keep drinking water. When labor came it came on fast and unusual, nurses actually weren't sure if baby was coming until shortly before. So definitely go to the hospital if anything feels off. Prayers for you and baby. Keep us posted ❤️

Hey lovely! I Ppromed at 25 weeks including a gush followed by pink fluid. I was in hospital for about 4/5 days and then told to rest where I could (not complete bed rest). I had twice weekly bloods as when you Pprom you’re more likely to get an infection, and I had a scan weekly also - one week was a growth scan followed by the week after I’d have a Doppler scan to check my fluid levels and if would alternate each week! Keep a pad on so you can keep check of your fluid loss, smell and colour changes! Some days I leaked more than others, however at each scan they said to me that had they not known I’d Ppromed they wouldn’t be able to tell as the levels of fluid around the baby were normal - some weeks fluid levels were higher than others. Keep drinking lots of fluids as the amniotic fluid replenishes everytime the baby wee’s. By miracle I kept baby girl in until 37 weeks when I had a planned c section to get her out (where I live they won’t let you go past 37 weeks if Ppromed). Xx

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