Depressed asf can’t keep my head straight at all I’m all over the damn place
not so much depressed more irritable all the time like i was in the beginning
I’m depressed, and irritable as hell. I just can’t wait till these 7 weeks pass and I have my baby (although I know I will have PPD and be tired 😅) I’m just so out of breath, exhausted and my heart is beating out of my chest half the time :/
Just last night a sudden wave of depression came out of nowhere for me… it definitely felt like the wild hormones of first trimester where I know logically the way I feel is not really based on anything but I felt so down last night and this morning, crying for no reason and everything
Depressed 😔, angry, annoyed 😒, tired 😪 😴, and thirsty 😑 like always
@Brandy I've been crying a lot too for no good reason. It's annoying 😒 and embarrassing 😳
I have been feeling the same my emotions are all over the place 😭 I don’t know how to control it
I’ve been crying more. Like just little stuff makes me son. No depression though.