@Alisha kendamil x
Mine is 3,5 days old. He is drinking about 60 ml of Cow and gate per feed every 3 hours. He loves his milk. Also my breastmilk started to show so topped up with that.
We’ve slowly phased out forumla and now on BM (either expressed or from boob) but when we do use forumla or a expressed bottle he usually has 60ml. And roughly every 3 hours. He’s 16 days old. But then suckles some boob on top but never sure if he’s getting loads
12 days old and about 120ml every 4 hours x
5 days old doing nearer the 60ml mark every 3 - 4 hours
Mine has 60 almost every feed and if she wants more we give top up 30 what formula you on?