Do you have leftover milk from the morning? I started power pumping every morning between 3-5 am, and fridge that extra 100-150 ml for the afternoon hunger.
@Kim she’s 8 weeks, but feeds really well. I don’t know if it’s her fussy time at night or I just don’t have enough milk xx
@Lauren I don’t pump but maybe o should start to do that! I feel like that would help take the edge off x
Let baby latch as much as possible and pump after each feeding. Supply regulates around 3 months so start collecting and freezing now
@Amanda thank you!! x
8 weeks is a just one of those times for fussiness/cluster feeding etc, so I honestly wouldn't read into it too much, as hard as that may be! If you're happy to continue breastfeeding, I'd suggest avoiding topping up with formula as that would really affect your supply, and just continue responsively feeding. Breastmilk is digested much quicker than formula so breastfed babies do feed more frequently anyway, and once your boobs start to regulate, they won't feel anywhere near as full as in the early days.
@Sam thank you that’s really helpful x
How old is baby? Rarely do we not have enough milk unless there is a problem with the efficiency of feeding xx