She’s 8 weeks! Domperidone didn’t work for you?
How do you get the Domperidone prescribed to you please? I would like to try it too
@Kinga How do you get the Domperidone prescribed to you please? I would like to try it too
I haven’t been on it but from looking into it and discussing with an IBCLC with my eldest, it does require very regular pumping / feeding to get the effects you want re supply - it just gives you likely a better response to that stimulation of your supply. So yes, pumping round the clock every 3 hours or so is needed!
My son was not gaining enough weight and we had to go to the pediatrician and asked him to prescribe it for me.
Unfortunately my supply did not increase at all
Domperidone didn’t help my supply at all. But I had the best results from maintaining pumping every 3 hours especially overnight, power pumping every few days and staying hydrated. Good luck.
It didn't even worked for me even if I was breastfeeding and pumping every 2 hours for 45 mins How old is baby?