gassy baby

is it normal for a 2 month old baby to constantly need to fart? he will have a feed and need to fart then he will sleep for hours wake up needing to fart, we also need to help him fart as he cant fart by himself most of the time and its starting to become a problem and affect his sleep.
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Does he feed ok? Does the wind bother him? My baby was extremely gassy and in a lot of pain with it. We found out at 6 weeks he had a tongue tie which was causing him to take in air whilst feeding. Since his tongue tie has been cut he is much better.

he does have a tongue tie but the midwife said that it wouldn’t bother him so it wasn’t a big deal, what is the latest age he can get it cut by?

he wriggles so much, pushes his head back, arches his back and straightens his whole body out.

@ashleigh midwives aren’t qualified to diagnose a tongue tie or the severity of it! Tongue ties can cause intake of air which causes gas and also reflux. I would get it properly assessed. I don’t think there is an age cut off just it depends whether it can be done without the need for going into hospital but I’m not sure when that is. My LO was 6 weeks when he had his cut by a tongue tie practitioner in her clinic (not hospital).

after a lot of googling i’m really surprised she just dismissed it like that, she even said shes got a tongue tie and shes fine😅Who would i be ringing for this my GP?

@ashleighSo when I realised my LO latch was not right I was told to speak to the health visitor. When I went to one of their clinics they said they didn’t think he had one but I pushed because I knew something wasn’t right and they are also not qualified. They did refer me for tongue tie assessment by the NHS but did warn me that babies who are formula fed and gaining weight would likely either not be seen or be waiting a while. They prioritise breastfed babies and babies whose feeding is affecting their weight. So it depends on how you feed your LO really. I was in the fortunate position that I was able to go private and it was sorted really quickly. The person I saw was so good and through discussing with her I really don’t understand why they dismiss tongue ties in babies who are gaining weight because it can cause so many other issues too. It can also cause over feeding!

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